Who we are
CITIZEN CHIBA PRECISION was established in Chiba, Japan, in August 23, 1979. Since then, we have been sending our new products to the global markets as the experts of miniaturized precision motors and customized products which fulfill our customers’ various requirements. They have been widely used in cutting-edge technology applications such as semiconductor manufacturing equipment, medical equipment, and laser application products.
For more than forty years, our accu...
Who we are
CITIZEN CHIBA PRECISION was established in Chiba, Japan, in August 23, 1979. Since then, we have been sending our new products to the global markets as the experts of miniaturized precision motors and customized products which fulfill our customers’ various requirements. They have been widely used in cutting-edge technology applications such as semiconductor manufacturing equipment, medical equipment, and laser application products.
For more than forty years, our accumulated research and development experience has been consolidated on our unique motors and servo technologies, and the extensive manufacturing experience has been improving the quality. Our mission is to provide additional values and competitive strengths to our customers’ products and services by integrating our knowledge, support and technology.
Our basic principle is “Connect/Learn/Utilize”. We will stay closely connected with our customers around the world, learn their requirements, and utilize our advanced technical capabilities to take on challenges. Then we will use these new experience and technology we have gained for further improvements of our products and quality.
We will strive to enhance our skills and capabilities to create added values and business growth for our customers and continue to contribute to further development for the world’s brighter future.
Our values
MONOZUKURI stands for “manufacturing” in Japanese but we use it in a broader sense. When we are manufacturing our products, we, CITIZEN CHIBA PRECISION, believe this word includes searching new development methods, incorporating better service, and injecting “added value” while passing on techniques to posterity.
The reason why our products are required in a wide range of field is because we have strengths not only in general-purpose products but also in customized products that meet the individual needs of our customers.
Since our production plant is adjacent to the head office, our engineers are at the core of the project and work with our customers on all manufacturing processes from specification design, making prototype, and start-up. And also, our engineers are actively making proposals to our customers because we can reflect our ideas in the product specifications without omission.
The inquiries we receive from our customers are increasing and technical levels are getting higher year by year, but we have the technical capabilities to always respond to each and every request. We also accept consultations other than technical aspects for our head office also has Manufacturing, Quality Assurance, and Sales Departments besides R&D. If there is anything we can help you with our products, please feel free to contact us.