Compressor controller CONCERTO

Compressor controller CONCERTO

Compressor controller CONCERTO


Concerto is the latest-generation Mattei master controller able to manage up to 16 compressors at the same time, allowing energy savings that can exceed 35%. Concerto extends the life of your air compressor by reducing the number of motor stops and starts to a minimum and eliminating dry run time almost entirely.

Intuitive Functions
Concerto needs a few programming parameters allowing compressors to have different performance levels by syncing production and consumption values. The large display simplifies system programming operations, making them easy and intuitive.

All-round System Management
Dryers, filters and accessories for condensate processing may easily be connected directly to the system. Analogue output sensors may also be connected, thus allowing you to monitor the whole compressed air system. Concerto provides an extremely comprehensive set of information concerning the system management, which may also be viewed via web-server.

Efficiency and Energy Savings
Concerto can simultaneously manage up to 16 compressors of different types and from different manufacturers, always ensuring the best set-up in terms of energy efficiency. It may also control variable speed compressors equipped with inverters.

PC Control
Main operating parameters, malfunctioning alarms, maintenance intervals and energy consumption may be viewed on a PC via web-server. The data is saved on a memory device integrated in the system and processed into diagrams in order to allow optimal system monitoring.


Parameter Name Parameter Value

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