Itensify BV

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Itensify BV
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Itensify BV


Itensify BV
Who we are

Itensify develops advanced and state-of-the-art test systems for the quality control of pressure containing objects. Innovation is a top priority in the development of our test solutions. With our innovative technology, such as the electric drive and SoftBleed, you can test quickly, economically and accurately. Our mission is to help our customers to take a step forward in the field of pressure testing. To improve the quality of their testing process which results in a safe product for the end user.

Our values

It was time for a change. With that in mind, Itensify was founded in 2010 by Inne IJntema, who had been active in the high-pressure test market for fifteen years. In this market, tests are still mainly being carried out with the traditional air-driven drive. Inne saw the opportunity to develop a new and innovative drive: electric. In addition, he had two other objectives: looking for a solution for complete quality control and reducing operational costs in the test process. This resulted in the concept ‘The total circle of quality control’, which optimizes the testing process.