Termo Isı Sistemleri Ticaret ve Sanayi A.S. which was founded in 1967 in Istanbul, is today one of the leading companies of heating sector with its brand ECOSTAR With its headquarters in Istanbul, Ecostar has a manufacturing facility of 50.000 m2 open and 15.000 m2 closed area in Corlu/Tekirdag and meets the demands of its customers on world standards throughout its domestic and foreign sales offices.
Ecostar is specialized in two main groups of products as monoblock and duoblock burners.
Ecostar, in addition to its domestic-monoblock burners’ production from 40 kw up to 11.500 kw, also produces industrial-duoblock burners up to 67 MW for various industrial applications tailored to specific customer demands.
Besides manufacturing gas, liquid and dual burners, Ecostar also manufactures special burners operating with biogas, ethanol, coal dust, sawdust, waste oil and waste gases.
Ecostar keeps working on new innovative products by Research and Development investments.
Ecostar, who is able to meet different demands of its customers with the assistance of its many years of experience in the sector, also carries out turn-key government and private sector projects both in Turkey and abroad.
Beside monoblock and industrial burners, Ecostar also serves its customers with a solution-oriented approach by manufacturing monoblock and industrial hot air generators, high temperature resistant process burners special for industrial furnaces and fluidized bed boilers, premix burners for condensing boilers and many other products.
Ecostar who keeps maintaining its solution and trust oriented activities, works to provide the highest efficiency with minimum cost for its customers.
Our values
Be innovative
Be a researcher
Be an environmentalist, protect the nature
Respect the human beings
Protect the underground and surface sources in our country and in the world
Raise creative, respectful and hardworking individuals for our future