The purpose of the exhibition is to gather and exhibit industrial and service robots and related
equipment from around the globe under one roof, and to contribute to the creation of new markets
and promotion of industrial technology of robots.
State-of-the-Art Robots for Everything From Industry to Service, All in One Place!
World's Largest Robot Expo Hosts Record Number of Exhibitors
The Japan Robot Association and Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun hosts the four-day International Robot
Exhibition (iREX2023) at Tokyo Big Sight
"Sustainable Societies Through Robotics" as its theme.
This marks the 25th installment of this, the world's largest robot expo, held once every two years. This installment will be the largest in the exhibition's history, with 654 exhibitors and 3,508 booths (compared to 615
exhibitors and 3,227 booths in the previous exhibition).
Tokyo Big Sight's East Halls 1-8 and West Halls 3 and 4 will serve as the venue for exhibits of the latest systems
and equipment for industrial robots, whose applications continue to grow, as well as numerous service robots,
which have become increasingly widespread. The Robot SIer Zone will feature integrator companies critical to
the adoption of robots, while the Robot Simulation & Vision System Zone will showcase core technologies,
including VR, AR, and more. The Logistics System & Robot Zone and the Parts Feeder Zone will exhibit the latest
robotic systems and supply systems, such as parts feeders, used in the logistics industry.
The online exhibition iRex Online will also be held from Wednesday, November 22 to Friday, December 15 in
continuation of the previous exhibition. This event is jam-packed with exhibitors, speeches, and webinars
exclusive to the online venue.
The first day of the main stage will feature the iREX Robot Forum 2023, which will explore the latest trends in
robot adoption and the potential for use in new fields. A number of other lectures and forums will also be held
over the course of several days. Jointly hosted programs include exhibitions with themes that look ahead to the
year 2050 as the sponsor program as well as the hands-on Create and Touch: International Robot Exhibition event.
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