The VULCANO XY system is a three-piece-design allowing a compact and cost engineered solution, coupled to mechanical bearings and high-end optical encoders.
The baseplate of the bottom axes (Y1 & Y2) is composed of 2 ironcore linear motors, controlled in a gantry mode, when used with AccurET controllers, to allow better repeatability and optimal control efficiency. The upper axis (X) is composed of a single ironcore linear motor. The use of ironcore technology offers a high force density resulting in high acceleration and speed while keeping the operating temperature at a rather low level.
The baseplate of the upper axis (X), which also holds the motor of the bottom axes (Y1 & Y2) is made of aluminum for mass optimization and dynamics. Thermal expansion is handle by flexure elements.
Characteristics :
- Compact footprint
- Nanometer position stability
- Short move and settle times
- High dynamics
- High bidirectional repeatability
- High position stability
- ISO class 1 clean room compatibility
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