Vehicle electronic control unit BCX.3clu

Vehicle electronic control unit BCX.3clu

Vehicle electronic control unit BCX.3clu


The BCX product family is responsible for the safeguarding, distribution, switching and control of electrical energy in a vehicle. In addition to the safeguarding of the individual power circuits, larger loads including lights, lamps, air conditioning systems and heating systems can be directly activated or controlled.
We are able to offer body control units which fulfill all requirements with regard to performance capability and quality thanks to a combination of connector technology in press-fit technology and our long-standing experience in control electronics with regard to design and series production. By using tried and tested modules, the new product is compatible with our portfolio and tool chain. For users, this means the use of know-how over different function levels. Depending on the expansion stage, the BCX.3clu can be integrated into the CAN bus network of the vehicle.


Parameter Name Parameter Value
for vehicles