Universal process controller N120

Universal process controller N120

Universal process controller N120


Complete and extremely versatile process controller arranged on a printed circuit board. Accepts most sensors and signals used in the industry and provides the main types of output needed to operate in various processes.

A unique feature of this controller is its self-adaptive PID algorithm, which continuously adjusts the PID parameters in order to obtain the best possible performance for the process.

All controller configuration is done via the keyboard or via QuickTune configuration software, without any changes to the circuit.

- Double display – 8 digits
- PV+SP and PV + timer indications
- Universal input: thermocouples, Pt100, mV, V and mA optional
- Personalized linearization
- 3 output channels: 1 pulse and 2 relays (10 A relay optional)
- 2 alarms with configurable functions
- Digital input for special functions
- Second output control for servo positioners
- Auto-tuning
- Soft start
- Ramp function
- 20 programs each with 9 segments
- Datalogger with real time watch function and capacity for 32.000 records
- Programmable timer
- Adjustable time base in seconds or minutes
- Access protection by password
- Factory calibration can be restored
- Optional serial communication
- Carries USB for controller configuration and data acquisition
- Complimentary configuration software


Parameter Name Parameter Value
Other characteristics
  • universal
  • programmable