Trapezoidal threaded spindle

Trapezoidal threaded spindle

Trapezoidal threaded spindle


We manufacture:

- Single-start and multi-start ISO trapezoidal screws according to DIN 103
- Flat metric trapezoidal screws according to DIN 380
- Rounded trapezoidal screws according to DIN 30295
- Your ACME trapezoidal screw according to ANSI / ASME B1.5-1977
- Stub ACME or flat trapezoidal leadscrews according to ANSI / ASME B1.8-1977

We are also able to manufacture any trapezoidal threads or your individual leadscrew according to any other international standard required, including petroleum industry standards. We can normally construct trapezoidal screws up to 7,500 mm in length in one piece. If you require a leadscrew longer than 7,500 mm, we can supply them by combining multiple individually manufactured sections. The longest leadscrew we manufactured was over 20m long.

Trapezoidal Screws at Work
A trapezoidal thread is a moving drive thread and has to endure a high friction rate. This usually means the threaded part of the screw is self-locking and therefore has the advantage that it does not have to be secured separately in a resting position. Trapezoidal screws are used in various ways, and can be used:

- As feedscrews in laboratory and life sciences equipment
- As lifting screws or power screws in heavy lifting applications often combined with a load
and safety nut
- As leadscrews for the transmission of motion and power in machine tools
for exerting heavy force: e.g. in mechanical presses


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