Transient recorder SATURN Cube

Transient recorder SATURN Cube

Transient recorder SATURN Cube


Measuring systems of the SATURN Transient Recorder series from AMOtronics enable highly precise and fast measurements with up to 2GS/s sampling rate. The mid-size model "SATURN Cube" provides a maximum of 112 channels. Alternatively, both smaller and larger systems are available. In addition several SATURN systems can be coupled and synchronized via the SATURN trigger bus.

Beside analog inputs, the SATURN system can also be equipped with modules for analog output, PID control, digital input and output as well as signal conditioning. Therefore, it is suitable for a wide range of measurement and control applications with special requirements regarding accuracy, speed and synchronicity.

Main specification (model SATURN Cube):
- 7 slots for up to 14 modules
- provides up to 112 measurement channels (more in larger housings)
- 200kS/s up to 2GS/s sample rate
- 8 Bit up to 20 Bit resolution
- various software configurable input ranges
- high-precision internal clock source
- flexible trigger definition
- supports fiber-optic coupled probes for high voltage measurements and
spanning large distances
- expandable with signal conditioning, digital I/O, analog outputs,
controllers and digital sequencers
- integrated industrial PC (independent operation or full-featured remote
control via Ethernet)
- optimized software with easy-to-use user interface
- high-speed streaming for extra long recordings
- memory segmentation for fast repetitive measurements
- customized solutions with tailor-made user interfaces


Parameter Name Parameter Value
Measured physical value
for mobile applications
Number of channels