Touch screen human machine interface


Consisting of a flat screen/touch screen, a tablet computer, and a voice directed device or radiofrequency (RF) device, the HMI instructs associates what to pick and in what quantities.

Screen Directed
Pick station operators are directed by a flat screen information display of an image of the item to pick and quantity required for each order. An integrated weigh scale at the pick location (optional) checks expected weights, further enhancing accuracy and ensuring that any errors are identified and corrected on the spot.

Voice Directed
Recognised as one of the most effective methods for increasing productivity and accuracy in picking operations, voice technology features hands-free, eyes-free operation. Operators wear a portable belt-mounted voice terminal and headset. Workers hear instructions and perform tasks without having to look down at a handheld computer screen display or sort through paper lists.

Pick to Light
The pick-to-light system uses a combination of display units to point operators to specific stock locations. Typically, each SKU has a display with a light, an acknowledgement button, and a digital readout to indicate quantity.

Put to Light
Pick-to-light systems in reverse, put-to-light displays point the operator to locations requiring an item to be put, rather than picked. The operator scans an item—either a piece or a case—and then individual displays point out which containers require that item. A display unit at each container location shows how many of the item that container requires. The operator uses an acknowledgement button to confirm each put.


Parameter Name Parameter Value
touch screen