Temperature monitoring module RTU5029

Temperature monitoring module RTU5029

Temperature monitoring module RTU5029


Wireless Power Status Monitoring Alarm (Phase Loss, Power off, Temperature, DC Voltage)
Model no:RTU5029

The GSM 3G 4G LTE Phase Loss Monitoring Alarm is special for remotely monitoring onsite temperature, humidity,AC power, power status through wireless GSM/3G/4G Network. When the 3/Single phase power failure, power voltage or temperature, humidity exceed high threshold or low threshold value, will send SMS alert to upto 10 preset mobile phone immediately. Supports SMS,GPRS,3G,4G Lte Cellular Networks. Compatible Modbus TCP and MQTT IoT Protocols and can intergrate to the KPIIOT IoT Cloud Platform and OPC, SCADA and MES systems to build an industiral IoT Solution.

1. Can be operated from anywhere, no distance limitation;

2. No call charges for inquiry. the GSM 3G 4G LTE Phase Loss Monitoring rejects the call from authorized number then return onsite temperature, humidity,AC power status and power voltage on the first 'ring';

3. Multiple applications. (3/Single phase status, power status, solar panel, dc voltage,temperature, humidity);

4. Up to 10 authorized phone numbers, 5 can be used to receive SMS,and 5 can be used to call and SMS while alarm occurrence;

5. 1 input for Temperature & Humidity,AC power status monitoring;

6. External AC Power status monitoring, AC ON/OFF will send SMS to authorized phone numbers;

7. Inbuilt MCU monitoring the DC input Voltage value, measure range is 0-36VDC, no need additional sensor to save cost;

8. Timer Report—Can setup every x hours automatically send its status/Value to the authorized numbers;


Parameter Name Parameter Value
  • temperature
  • power
  • voltage
  • humidity
  • Modbus
  • wireless