Temperature data-logger D-System

Temperature data-logger D-System

Temperature data-logger D-System


The D‑System is used for sim­ple in-situ vi­su­al­iza­tion of hy­drother­mal process­es in process wa­ter cycles.

In our Sys­tem Cen­ter for In­dus­tri­al Tem­per­a­ture Con­trol Tech­nol­o­gy (SIT), which has been in ex­is­tence since 2020, you will have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to get to know – and ex­ten­sive­ly test – our lat­est in­no­va­tions in the field of tar­get­ed tem­per­a­ture con­trol of molds and process me­dia as well as se­mi-fin­ished prod­ucts and prod­ucts made of plastic.

hotset’s D‑System is a mo­bile and flex­i­ble mea­sur­ing de­vice for a quick on-site analy­sis of the en­er­gy bal­ance in tech­ni­cal wa­ter cy­cles. Wher­ev­er wa­ter is in cir­cu­la­tion as a func­tion­al medi­um, the flow rates, tem­per­a­ture curves and pres­sure dif­fer­ences can be checked and vi­su­al­ized promptly.

The da­ta log­ger con­sists of a com­pact mea­sur­ing mod­ule and a col­or 7‑inch touch screen – a com­bi­na­tion which cov­ers a wide range of ap­pli­ca­tions. You can use it for trou­bleshoot­ing, fine-tun­ing flu­id pow­er process­es, qual­i­ty as­sur­ance, and many oth­er ap­pli­ca­tions which use wa­ter as a coolant and heat­ing medi­um, as a trans­port and hy­draulic flu­id, as an op­er­at­ing and dri­ve medi­um, or as a fu­el component.


Parameter Name Parameter Value
Measured quantity
temperature, pressure, flow
Connector type
USB, wireless, with PC interface, LAN WLAN
Sensor type
with touch screen
for monitoring
Other characteristics
  • battery-powered
  • compact
  • with connector
  • portable