The controller EDJ_MIC can control humidity as well as temperature. It consists of two integrated, digital microprocessor controllers and also features an integrated 15-VDC power supply for the sensors. The humidity temperature sensor type TFG80J, TFK80J or TFK120J (refer to page 2) with output signals 0 . . . 20 mA can be used as the readings recorder. The humidity as well as temperature values are showed digitally on the EDJ_MIC controller as actual values. The EDJ_MIC controller can be utilized as a two or three point controller. The output states are displayed by LEDs. The EDJ_MIC controller is very easy to use and is highly user friendly. It has been pre-programmed in the factory so that anyone without even previous knowledge of control engineering can easily use it. After successfully connecting up and entering the target values, it gets ready for immediate use to control humidifying as well as dehumidifying as well as heating and cooling .
Parameter Name
Parameter Value
Other characteristics
with humidity control
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