Temperature control unit with touchscreen protemp

Temperature control unit with touchscreen protemp

Temperature control unit with touchscreen protemp


The compact, water-based eco.line temperature control units of the protemp series are among the most efficient systems available on the market while also offering a comparably high flow rate of 440 l/min. Apart from their outstanding energy efficiency, the protemp advanced units also convince due their high level of performance, excellent connectivity and multiple equipment variants.

The systems are suitable for the supply of multi-circuit water distributors and have been designed for displaying up to six external temperature control circuits. The protemp advanced units can be used for temperatures up to 140°C and are available with a heating capacity of up to 36 kW. The extensive standard equipment of the "tankless" unit for minimum oxygen intake includes a stainless-steel centrifugal pump in four different sizes, combined with a speed control system and a system for indicating the energy consumption of the pump, "longlife" stainless-steel heating cartridges with a technotrans long-term warranty, a stainless-steel heat exchanger, an electric pressure measurement system and numerous other features.

Benefits at a glance

Top quality with a design for optimised operating costs
Compact design
Particularly efficient operation
High performance
High connectivity
User-friendly and service-friendly design
Continuous monitoring of the process parameters
Customisable in view of specific applications


Parameter Name Parameter Value
with touchscreen
  • circulating water
  • carbon dioxide circulation
Protection level
  • standard
  • IP54
  • cooling
  • heating
  • process
Other characteristics
  • automatic
  • compact
  • advanced
Maximum temperature (°C)
0 - 140