Temperature control system

Temperature control system

Temperature control system


Cold storage is essentially a simple structure. Along with technology and its benefits used for cold storage, features highlighting an efficient cold storage facility that provides its users with maximum benefits are designing project correctly, quality of equipment and correct installation.

Cantek created an R&D team many years ago in order to use opportunities of advancing technologies on its products. The purpose of creating this unit is to seek technological innovations that will bring benefits to users. Thanks to its R&D focused engineering, Cantek soon brought innovations shaping our world.

There are hardly any cold storage companies that produce its own controllers in the world. Through its successful R&D activities, Cantek developed and began to produce its controllers within its in-house facilities just like the company’s all other cooling equipment. This technology and its outcomes were launched under the brand name, Octopush Technology.

What is Octopush Technology?
Octopush is a storage management technology developed by Cantek. This technology maximises cold storage performance and efficiency, maintains product quality in the most effective way along with an incomparable energy saving. Octopush enables users to measure and analyse cold storage values, so that they can manage their cold storage facility with modern methods. FOR DETAILS OCTOPUSH.COM.TR

While you store your products in cold storage to keep their fresh-like characteristics, thanks to CONTROLLERS WITH SMART and LEARNING ALGORITHM, you will:


a) Achieve energy savings up to 71% in energy consumption in your cold storage.


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