Rotary solenoid BTA Series

Rotary solenoid BTA Series

Rotary solenoid BTA Series


Johnson Electric’s BTA or Brushless torque actuator platform offers high-speed actuation in rotary stroke applications needed in material handling, valve control, high-speed shutter control, among others.

With a single-phase coil, stator bases, and a matching rotor pole, this design allows for a stroke of up to 45 degrees.

Since BTA technology does not require full stroke actuation, this product provides a much quieter operation due to the soft, shock-free cycling, eliminating the noise associated with end-of-stroke mechanical stops. With proper controls and application damping it is possible to achieve exceptionally low dB levels.

This high-speed solenoid actuator is self-contained in an industry standard size which enables easy mounting and interchangeability. The unit is permanently lubricated and requires no adjustment or maintenance over its entire life and is ideal for high speed, high throughput diverting and sorting applications that require low noise and zero downtime for maintenance, while achieving millisecond actuation speeds


Parameter Name Parameter Value
Other characteristics
  • 45°
  • DC