Schmidt 5-D Couplings were developed to fill a gap in the family of torque-rigid couplings. Most couplings in the Schmidt Coupling line are designed to accommodate either axial, angular, or parallel shaft displacements only. For some applications, however, the operational conditions require all possible shaft misalignments. If these shaft misalignments exceed the limit of the selected coupling capacity, excess sideloads are introduced into the equipment which can cause vibrations, life reduction or failure of vital machine components such as bearings, motors, etc.
The 5-D Couplings are a modification of the Schmidt Inline Coupling, designed to accommodate 5 degrees of angular shaft misalignment. This coupling allows easy adjustment to any possible misaligned shaft position without imposing heavy sideloads on shafts, bearings or other machine equipment. Schmidt 5-D Couplings offer large shaft misalignment capabilities and constant angular velocity. The acting forces within the coupling can be precisely calculated, assuring a sound coupling design which is especially important for heavy-duty applications. To select a 5-D Coupling, follow the same procedure as the Inline.