Right angle gear reducer-multiplier M series

Right angle gear reducer-multiplier M series

Right angle gear reducer-multiplier M series


ABB offers standardized gear unit packages complete with cabling, serial measurement board (SMB) box and safety options. The gear units are being offered in the same seven variants that are currently built into ABB’s positioners, including both MTD (for positioning) and MID (for interchange) units.
These standard gear units are well-tested, are designed to work with other ABB equipment and are easily available as spare parts. The packages include well-proven, flexible cables where needed to simplify integration and prolong life span. In addition, ABB is offering serial measurement boards, push buttons for brake release and axis selectors for greater safety and control.

Delivered with predefined CAD models, documentation and configuration files, the gear unit packages are very easy to integrate, saving valuable time on projects. This has a major impact on time put into the project. Depending on the scope of the project, those time savings could add up to hours, days or even weeks.


Parameter Name Parameter Value
Shaft orientation
right angle
Other characteristics
for robotics