The microprocessor-controlled panel instrument HD9022 is an indicator with alarm thresholds that may be programmed and configured by the user. At input it accepts signals arriving from 2 or 3 wire transmitters with 0÷1V, 0÷10V voltage or 0÷20 mA,4÷20 mA current signals, or 4 wires Pt100 sensors. Configuration is always completely present in the instrument, no additional cards are required. The choice far the configuration of the input signals is made by means of the keyboard on the front of the instrument.
Typical applications are the display of signals sent by transmitters which may concern temperature, humidity, pressure, speed, capacity, level, farce, etc., far the most varied industriai sectors, operating machines and automated systems.
Parameter Name
Parameter Value
Measured value
temperature, flow, humidity, speed, pressure, force