Power monitoring system TOWER-LIGHT

Power monitoring system TOWER-LIGHT

Power monitoring system TOWER-LIGHT


The TowerLight is a microprocessor based system designed to monitor the status of obstruction lights, used on many broadcast and communication towers. The system will monitor up to eight beacon bulbs and eight marker bulbs: monitoring processing allows controlling all lamps from a single point, including flasher operation. All outputs are opto-isolated for lightning protection when connected to external remote site monitoring equipment. With all lights operating on the tower, the monitor automatically calibrates itself for the number of bulbs in the system. The unit is specifically designed for broadcasters: great consideration especially for the fault tolerance and twilight sensor fault.

Total FCC compliance

After a calibration, the system continuously checks the current consumption as main parameters to define the alarm status for: flashing fault, main power presence, beacon fault, twilight sensor fault.
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OS: Win* | Software/utility: HashOnClick
OS: *nix | Software/utility: open a terminal and type md5sum file_name.extension
OS: Mac OS X | Software/utility: open a terminal and type md5 file_name.extension


Parameter Name Parameter Value
  • power
  • current
  • alarm
  • server

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