Portable data acquisition system e016 NanoSum

Portable data acquisition system e016 NanoSum

Portable data acquisition system e016 NanoSum


NanoSum is a compact and very affordable device that easily allows to make data acquisitions and communication via 4G mobile network. Sensors with either pulse/reed contact outputs (eg: rain gauge) or serial outputs (RS232, RS485, RS422, SDI-12) are smoothly connectable. NanoSum is equipped with two digital interfaces, through which it is possible to activate external devices (eg: a traffic light or a siren) when particular conditions such as exceeding an alarm threshold occur. Various functions can be configured, also simply by SMS, such as the frequency of data acquisition, and the frequency of data transmission with different protocols (FTP, http, SMTP - email). The system has been carefully designed taking care also to the power consumption, in order to be used even with a battery when external power supply can’t be properly provided. Besides, the device is available on its full installation version, inclusive of a compact suitable enclosure of high degree IP protection (submersible).
NanoSum can manage the sensors connected to it, monitoring also the duty cycle (ON / OFF) at 5 or 12 Vdc voltages.
Main features
- Acquisition and communication system in a single device
- Ultra low power absorption <0.4 mA (shutdown mode)
- Affordable and easy to configure
- Possibility of supplying and managing the sensors connected to it
- Available with IP68 box


Parameter Name Parameter Value
Options and accessories
with data transmission