The OM 402PID is a versatile 4 digit panel PID regulator designed for maximum flexibility and user comfort while maintaining its fair price. Type OM 402PID is a multifunction instrument with the option of configuration for 8 various input options, easily configurable in the instrument menu. In its basic configuration the OM 402PID has two regulatory relays and two relay alarm outputs. Desired value can either be constant or defined by one of 14 programmes. The instrument is based on a single-chip microcontroller with a multichannel 24-bit sigma-delta converter, which ensure good accuracy, stability and easy operation of the instrument.
4 digit programmable projection
multifunction input (DC, PM, RTD, T/C, DU)
P/PI/PID regulation
4 contact outputs
RTC with measured data record
digital filters, tare, linearization
size of DIN 96 x 48 mm
power supply 10…30 V AC/DC or 80…250 V AC/DC