MCERTS EN 15859 Filter Dust Approved Particulate monitoring system providing high quality emission measurement for low dust concentrations from dry industrial processes including Baghouses and Cartridge Filters
- Robust design unaffected by product build-up on the sensor rod
- No additional services such as air purge required, providing lower cost of ownership
- Simple maintenance no requirement for specialist service personnel
- Networking up to 16 sensor channels via Modbus and providing multiple inputs and outputs for external connections
- Extensively used for measurement (mg/m³) and leak location in bag filter stack applications
- Advanced sensor design includes drift checks (zero and span) and contamination checks
- Passive/Active and fully insulated sensor options available for applications with stack condensation and damp particulate prevents potential short circuit to stack wall
- Stacks after bag filters, cartridge filters, cyclones, electrostatic precipitators, no filtration
- Non-condensing / dry flue gases
- Variable velocities within range 8 – 20 m/s (typical bag filter velocity ranges), constant velocity required outside this range
- After process dryers