SGE-PLC1000 is the main device of Smart Metering systems in CIRCUTOR with PRIME protocol. The main function of SGE-PLC1000 is to manage the mains by CIRWATT electricity meters or other meters with PRIME technology. This data collection is performed using the power lines from the distribution network as a medium, which is known as ‘PLC Communications ‘ (Power Line Carrier). The protocol used by the PLC concentrator is the PRIME standard.
The SGE-PLC1000 concentrator is installed in the transformer station providing an Ethernet communications port, which offers the option to access information and interact with the system by accessing the website of the concentrator or through Web Service. The concentrator also has an RS485 or RS232 port, for service functions.
The modular format of the concentrator, allows to add on the same DIN rail, the LV Supervisor, whose main function is totalize the consumption, so that enables the management of the transformer station losses.
A variant of the SGE-PLC1000 concentrator, is the SGE-PLC50 with reduced management capacity since it is oriented to outdoors transformers, where there is up to 50 meters.
Being a Plug & Play system, CIRWATT energy meters or other meters with PRIME technology, are automatically detected by the SGEPLC1000 concentrator. By managing tasks fully configurable by the user, through the WEB page, lets you download all data registered by meters, such as load profiles, billing closures or events.