Near-eye display (NED) camera lens AR

in Lenses

Near-eye display (NED) camera lens AR
in Lenses

Near-eye display (NED) camera lens AR

in Lenses


The AR/VR Lens has a unique optical design specially engineered for measuring near-eye displays (NEDs), such as those integrated into virtual (VR), mixed (MR), and augmented reality (AR) headsets. The lens design simulates the size, position, and field of view of the human eye. Unlike alternative lens options, where the aperture is located inside the lens, the aperture of the AR/VR lens is located on the front of the lens, enabling positioning of the imaging system’s entrance pupil within NED headsets to view head-mounted displays (HMDs) at the same location as the human eye.

Replicates human eye in AR, VR, MR headsets
Field of view up to ±60° (120° total) horizontal
Pairs with high-resolution ProMetric® Imaging Colorimeters & Photometers
TT-ARVR™ Software for comprehensive in-headset testing

Evaluates the Full Display Field of View Experienced by Human Users
Displays viewed near to the eye, such as those in AR/VR devices, create immersive virtual experiences. However, as display images are magnified to fill a user’s field of view (FOV), display defects are also magnified. Issues with uniformity of brightness and color, dead pixels, line defects, cloudiness, and image position become more evident to the user whose eyes are only centimeters away from display screens. In these cases, display quality testing is a critical step for product quality control. Test and measurement solutions for evaluation of NED quality include photometric imaging systems paired with software for luminance and chromaticity measurement and analysis. However, traditional optical components that measure displays like televisions and smartphones did not include design considerations


Parameter Name Parameter Value
  • fixed-focus
  • wide-angle
Technical applications
  • machine vision
  • inspection
  • for detection
  • image capture
  • measuring
  • for measuring
  • for inspection
  • for near-eye display (NED)
Other characteristics
  • high-resolution
  • megapixel resolution
  • CCD camera