Multi-channel multiplexer SGM 60

Multi-channel multiplexer SGM 60

Multi-channel multiplexer SGM 60


SGM60 is the new multi-channel system Gilardoni, configured to make available a number of channels and gates adapted to the need of control. This ultrasonic electronics is comply according to EN 22232-1.

Main Specifications
■ Up to 6 channels per board (Multiplexed)
■ Compact System (1U 19’’, 22cm depth, 2.1kg)
■ Scalable system up to 5 unit (30 channels)
■ Recording all acquired A-Scan up to 20kHz (per board)
■ Double encoder connections
■ High speed data transmission via USB 3.0
■ Low power consumption 12W per board.
■ EN22232-1 Comply

Transmitter Specification
■ Bipolar/unipolar square wave up to 400Vpp, 1V step and active damping
■ Frerquency range 0.5MHz – 20MHz
■ Multi-burst up to 8 consecutive burst
■ Rise time 10ns
■ PRF (Pulse repetition frequency) max 20kHz per board (3.333kHz per channel)

Receiver Specification
■ Gain range 0 – 80dB, 0.1dB step
■ Not calibrated attenuators -20dB, -40dB
■ Digitalization: 16bit @200Msps
■ Hardware filters: (0.5-2)MHz, (1-4)MHz, (3-7)MHz, (6-14)MHz, Wide
■ Supported technique: Single probe, dual crystal and through transmission
■ Video Filter and Threshold
■ Noise Level: <20nV/Hz^0.5

Other Specifications
■ 4 independent gates (1 for interface echo) for each channel
■ Reading mode: leading edge, peak, falling edge
■ Resolution path 10ns
■ Event filter 1 – 16

TGC (Time Gain Compensation)
■ Up to 256 points
■ Gain 2 at the end of TGC area

Services outs (per unit)
■ 24 digital outs fully configurable
■ 6 analog outs fully configurable (time or amplitude dependence)


Parameter Name Parameter Value
  • multi-channel
  • digital
  • USB