Multi-axis motion controller ProScan™III

Multi-axis motion controller ProScan™III

Multi-axis motion controller ProScan™III


The compact and modular design of the ProScan® III system is capable of controlling up to 16 individual stepper motor axes including; a motorized stage, focus motor, three filter wheels and three shutters with the speed, accuracy and precision required by today’s highly automated and demanding applications. Communication to the controller has been improved, as FTDI USB connection is now available making the unit compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac. Four programmable TTL inputs and outputs allow the unit peripherals or external cameras to be controlled via TTL. The advanced internal software allows for simple control of all accessories via Prior’s new Interactive Control Center (ICC) Joystick, RS232 or USB, and a SDK is supplied for easy integration into third party software. Access to acceleration, speed and even drive current is also made available for more advanced users to allow total customization of the unit.

ProScan® III provides a modular approach to minimize the footprint of the controller. The cubic design provides stylish looks with a footprint of only 177x177mm. The base unit is designed to accommodate a three axis system, e.g., a stage and focus. Additional functionality can be added to the unit via modular sections which allow for easy expansion. The ancillary box (as shown in the image to the right) accommodates any extra functionality required, e.g., three filter wheels and three shutters.


Parameter Name Parameter Value
Number of axes
Motor type
Signal type
Other characteristics
  • compact
  • programmable
  • modular
Product applications