Your Greeting Service Robot
Be applied to stations, airports, shopping malls, banks, hospitals, schools, government halls, restaurants and so on. Face récognition, welcome réception, voice interaction, voice control (control various instructions), explanation, navigation and other multi-functional optimization manpower.
Nine Advantages
Intelligent greeting, cost down
• Mobile Ads
• Business Consulting
• Business Management
• Lead and Guide
• Autonomous Obstacle Avoidance
• Multi-scene Application
• Face Récognition Technology
• Support Vertical Software Integration
Product Features
Different routes automaticallysensethehuman body,and broadcast wetcoming and farewell messages, support the custom display of voiceandpictureinformation.customizeaccordingto different régional languages from separate countries.
The 23.8 inch high-def inition touch screen in front of the chest can display mobile advertisements, video broadcasting, preferential reminders, quality push, product information inquiry, map display, etc.
Business Consulting
Identity information is collecter) through face récognition technology automatically detected by camera.Quick retrieval and comparison based on the inputted face data base can properly recognize the person afterwhich welcomethem actively.
Face Récognition Technology
Face récognition is automatically detected by caméra, and identity information iscollected. Quick retrieval and comparison based on the inputted face database can identify the identity of the person and welcome them actively.
Business Management
lt is convenient for customers to do information inquiry, feechecking, queuing and calling, etc.