• Based on ultra-stable patented† design XYZ flexure stage
• 2 mm linear travel in XYZ axes with 20 nm resolution
• Roll adjustable through full 360° rotation
• Roll resolution 5 arc seconds
• Optical axis height 125 mm
• Slotted design for easy insertion and removal of fibre
• V-block preset on axis with less than 1 µm concentricity error
• V-block can be re-centred by user
• Pitch and yaw resolution < 0.1 arc secs
• Pitch and yaw adjustments about a single point in space in a true arc with no cross-talk
The model MDE187, six-axis positioner is built up from the Elliot Gold™ Series of micro-positioning precision components.
It facilitates precise 6D manual adjustment of a fibre's position in XYZ linear axes, plus pitch (θY), yaw (θZ) and roll (θX) with excellent accuracy and long term stability.
The Six-Axis positioner comprises:
• MDE185 Pitch and Yaw Stage (High Precision Adjusters)
• MDE717 High Precision Fibre Rotator
• MDE154 Clamp Set
• MDE122 Elliot Gold™ Series XYZ Flexure Stage (High Precision Adjusters)