Managed network switch G610

Managed network switch G610

Managed network switch G610


Small environments can reap big benefits from digital transformation. The key is a simple, always-on infrastructure than meets the high throughput, low-latency demands of critical applications. Purpose built for small to mid-sized businesses, the Brocade G610 delivers it all— with enterprise-class availability and flash-ready performance.

Affordable: This affordable, industry-leading Gen 6 Fibre Channel switch gives small to midsized data centers high-performance storage access, and the freedom to scale on demand from 8 to 24 ports. A point-and-click user interface makes it all fast and easy to install.

Flash-ready: Flash is the path to a speedy storage future—provided your SAN can keep up. The Brocade G610 delivers the high throughput and low latency you need to keep pace today, plus adaptability features for an increasingly flash-ready future.

Always on: The Brocade G610 leverages the proven enterprise-class reliability of Gen 6 Fibre Channel and Brocade Fabric Vision technology to deliver always-on business operations. Rely on the network that delivers insight through integrated VM sensors, monitoring, and diagnostics to ensure operational stability.


Parameter Name Parameter Value
Number of ports
24 ports