PTB approved, long-term noise and vibration monitoring system
Traffic forecasts by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and projections on the industrial development show that the noise pollution emitted by road and rail transport, airports and industrial plants will increase significantly. Usually hand-held sound level meters are used to determine the sources of noise pollution . Depending on the type of the sound source, however, PC-based measurement systems may offer better analysis capabilities.
Commercially operated facilities and industrial plants which require a permit and must adhere to the regulations of the Federal Immission Protection Act (Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetzes - BImSchG) are covered by the technical instructions on protection against noise (Technische Anleitung zum Schutz gegen Lärm - TA Lärm) with respect to the evaluation of the caused noise emissions. According to Art. 26 BImSchG, authorities and metering points for the determination of noise emissions and immissions shall use officially calibrated sound level meters for the noise pollution evaluation. With Soundbook and NoiseLOG_mobil we offer calibratable, PC-based measurement systems with up to eight measuring channels for capturing environmental noise data using the latest technology. The post-processing of measured values with Auditor, MS Excel or other applications can be performed directly on the Soundbook.
The Soundbook-based NoiseLOG_mobil is designed for rough field operation as for example at construction sites. The measuring station continuously monitors noise and vibration at one or more measurement points.