LCD/TFT display module FE1000

LCD/TFT display module FE1000

LCD/TFT display module FE1000


The Embedded OS Based display board FE1000 is a very evolved platform, with great aesthetic impact and "user friendly", particularly suitable in complex user interfaces development and able to exploit the full potential of the last generation processor Atmel ARM Cortex-A5.
Equipped with the Embedded Linux Operating System (alternatively Android), the board allows to exploit all the advantages of using open source systems to simply and effectively control applications and processes that require graphics processing, networking and mass storage management.
The high capacity of interfacing through the main devices (USB, Ethernet, RS-485, RS-232, CAN BUS modules WiFi, Bluetooth or GSM), with the possibility to save data in an external media (USB pen-drive, MicroSD), makes the system extremely versatile and ideal for manage a wide range of applications.

Main technical features

No. 1 Atmel embedded MPU 536MHz BGA324
No. 2 2Gb DDR2
No. 1 2Gb NAND Flash
No. 1 128Mb NOR
No. 1 32Mb SPI Serial DataFlash
No. 1 512Kb EEPROM
No. 1 RGMII Ethernet 1Gb w/PHY
No. 1 RS485
No. 1 Buzzer
No. 1 USB 2.0 Hosts type (type A)
No. 1 7.0” WVGA (resolution 800 x 480, format 16:9) TFT LCD resistive
No. 1 Optional JTAG test access port
No. 1 Optional USB 2.0 Hosts type (type A)
No. 1 Slot MicroSD optional
No. 1 ISI optional interface for the connection with a CMOS sensor
No. 1 HDMI optional interface
No. 1 Optional Connector CAN BUS
No. 1 Optional Four-wire RS232
No. 3 Optional expansion connectors
Optional Wifi/GSM/Bluetooth modules.
Dimensions in millimeters (L x W x H): 175,26 x 124,46 x 40-45.


Parameter Name Parameter Value
  • resistive touch screen
800 x 400
Other characteristics
  • RS-232
  • panel-mount