LCD/TFT display module CKT013W101STN-G03

LCD/TFT display module CKT013W101STN-G03

LCD/TFT display module CKT013W101STN-G03


CKT013W101STN-G03 is a round IPS TFT-LCD screen with a 1.3inch diameter Round display with resolution 240x240 pixels. This round TFT display comprises anIPS TFT-LCD panel built with a GC9A01 driver IC that can communicate via SPI/RGB/MCU interface.

CKT013W101STN-G03 is adopted IPS panel, which has the advantage of higher contrast, true black background when the display or pixel is off and wider viewing angle of Left:80 / Right:80 / Up:80 / Down:80 degree (typical), contrast ratio 1100:1 (typical value), brightness 450nits (typical value), All materials meet environmental requirements RoHS/Reach standards.

The power supply voltage of LCM is from 2.5V to 3.3V, the typical value of 2.8V. It can be operating at temperatures from -20℃ to+ 70℃ and storage temperatures from -30℃ to +80℃. The display modules are suited for compact devices like smart gauges, wearable devices, and meter applications. They are also ideal for home automation products, white products, and video systems.

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Parameter Name Parameter Value
  • IPS
240 x 240, compact
Other characteristics
  • RGB
  • SPI
  • MCU
  • round