IoT communication module MBC-WB

IoT communication module MBC-WB

IoT communication module MBC-WB


MBC is the perfect brick on your road from prototype to production because it is easy to use, cheap, and already certified.

Design for applications

-Industry 4.0
-Smart Home
-Smart Cities
-Makers Experimentation

Innovative features

-From prototype to product in a simple and fast way
-Full code control for both the chips thanks to the exposed debug interfaces
-Small form factor with maximum of GPIOs
-Liquid logic to surpass the classical rigid master/slave topology
-Embedded flash memory for both, code and user storage
-Dual-level of embedded security, from cloud to boot
-Multi-language support (C/C++ and python)
-Dual wireless interface (BLE/BT and Wi-Fi)

Hardware versions

The MBC module is available in three different versions by hardware configuration and functionalities. Depending on your design, you may prefer one version over the other. Contact us to find the best suited for you!

Small electronic module with a big amount of GPIOs

Take the size of a postcard stamp, and glimpse the powerfulness of the Briki MBC

Carrier boards

There are two different development boards specifically designed to address different customer needs, aimed at helping you customize your project with the MBC module. Choose the one that’s right for you.


Parameter Name Parameter Value
USB 2.0, WiFi, Bluetooth, CAN Bus
Other characteristics
  • compact
  • IoT
  • system on module
  • with integrated antenna
  • microprocessor-controlled
  • AI edge