
High-resolution Interpolator

Series: HR2A Interpolator

Description: Available for various models
High resolution - Industrial ruggednessCompatible with virtually all counter circuits, dedicated encoder interface cards and PLCsSelected GPI linear and rotary incremental encodersThe Gurley HR2A High-Resolution Interpo lator is a versatile electronics package that augmentsyour Gurley encoder’s capabi lities, improving resolution b y as much as 80x. The units ma y beused with virtually all available counter circuits, dedicated e ncoder interface cards andprogrammable logic controllers .The HR2A interpolator can gener ate any number of quadrature s quare waves from 1 to 20 tim esthe line count on the disc or sc ale, or fixed duration pulses at 1, 2, or 4 times any interger from 1to 20.It features an on-board low-dr opout voltage regulator. Optio nal up/down or pulse/directio noutput formats are available. A zero-index (reference) signal is available in gated ½ c ycle, gated¼ cycle, or fixed duration pulse f ormat to give you greater flexib ility.Advantages:Gurley Precision Instruments ’ philosophy of using lower res olution discs or scales couple d withelectronic interpolation has s everal distinct advantages.∑Highly accurate and stable opt ical signals are easy to obtain .∑Final encoder resolution and f requency response can be exten ded beyond the naturalphysical limits imposed on direc t


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