Microprocessor interface unit for strain gauge load cells with 6-digit display and fieldbus connection, both analogue and digital PROFIBUS/PROFINET
DLC-NET sériés are micro-processor interface units for strain gauge load cells. In the basic version allows weight visualization on the display. With the expansion board, many other functions are enabled, included the automatic dosing up to four components, with both immédiate and delayed digital outputs.
Available with fieldbus interfaces as an option:
Profibus-DP® or Profinet ®
• - Compact and rugged métal enclosure for panel mounting
• - Complété digital calibration via push buttons
• - Optional Profibus-DP® or Profinet ® communications Fieldbus
• - It meets the requirements of the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU and it is tested according to the harmonized standards EN 61000-4 and EN 61000-6
Galvanic insulation through DC/DC converter between 24 Vdc power supply, the load cells, fieldbus and remote display for a maximum disturbances atténuation. The device is electrically calibrated at the factory.
Load cells power supply: Maximum current: Maximum sensitivity: Input signal: Maximum resolution: Conversion rate: Device power supply: Dimensions: - 5 V de 150 mA (4 load cells with R=350 ü) 40 nV/div from -4mV/V to +4 mV/V 19 bit + segno (524.288 divisioni a 4 mV/V) 10 or 80 sample/s (selectable) 24 Vdc±10%, B Wmax 144 x 72 x 120 mm (W x H x D)
Profibus-DP® slave interface (up to 12 Mbit/s): allows an easy connection to PLC/PC with up to 124 units on single link. Profinet® slave interface (10/100 Mbit/s) with integrated Ethernet switch for easy daisy-chain connection.