GPS clock OSA-5330


The Precision Time Protocol (PTP) is a solution for the distribution of synchronization over IP-based packet networks such as IP, IP/MPLS, Ethernet, IP/xPON and IP/xDSL networks. Brandywine offers a comprehensive range of PTP products covering all synchronization needs in the telecommunication domain. An absolute timing accuracy of better than 100 nanoseconds to UTC can be achieved using this protocol as it uses hardware-generated timestamps. The OSA 5330 uses an internal Quartz Crystal oscillator disciplined by an integrated GPS receiver as a highly stable time base.

The OSA 5330 PTP Grandmaster is designed to operate with PTP Slaves from from all vendors. The OSA 5330 PTP Grandmaster consists of a GPS-receiver and a PTP engine delivering PTP service over an Ethernet port. The use of precision oscillator options provides improved stability in holdover mode when the input source is interrupted for any reason.

The front panel has a large alphanumeric LCD, status indicator and 5-segment button for easy status and minimal configuration. The main configuration and monitoring is through a secondary network port providing web access. PTP Profiles are used to configure those parameters which are crucial for the interoperability with the connected slaves. A range of additional output options are available, including serial, pulse, timecode and frequency - please contact our sales support team for more information.


IEEE 1588-2008 (v2) Time protocol
Distributes frequency, phase and time-of-day to remote PTP clients and slaves over a network
Advanced hardware-generated timestamps


Parameter Name Parameter Value
  • GPS
  • master
  • PTP