ESP Safety’s UPES Multi-Channel Controller offers maximum flexibility to users as a standalone, rackmount, independent control system that can also interface with PLC or DCS systems. The UPES advanced microprocessor-based monitoring system is compatible with all of ESP Safety’s flame and gas detectors. The UPES is available in two different options: analog 4-20mA signal and digital, RS485 signal. Up to 16 devices can be connected to the UPES analog version using 4-20mA signal output from the field devices. Up to 128 devices can be connected to the UPES digital version using the RS485 signal output from the field devices.
The UPES can be used at facilities for monitoring and detecting gas concentrations and flame conditions from the field. It will signal an alarm when the programmed threshold levels for the gas concentrations are reached with an LED for each alarm level and an optional sound alarm.
The UPES centralizes detectors from the field and acts as the bridge between warning systems, automatic sprinkler systems, ventilation systems, and emergency shutdown controls.