Fluorescent liquid penetration inspection machine KD-CHECK

Fluorescent liquid penetration inspection machine KD-CHECK

Fluorescent liquid penetration inspection machine KD-CHECK


The KD-CHECK stationary system is designed for liquid penetrant testing of small and medium-sized components. Each step like precleaning, penetrant dwell, penetrant removal, developing and evaluation can be done here. It is suitable for both single compo-nent and small series testing.

Liquid penetrant testing is associated with the following specific characteristics:
Combustible and water hazardous chemicals are used.
Fine divided mist is unavoidable when using aerosols.
The viewing conditions according to DIN EN ISO 3059 ("Non destructive testing - Penetrant testing and magnetic particle testing-viewing conditions") have to be obeyed.

The KD-CHECK stationary system is equiped with an explosion protected waste air fan. That way the emis-sion of mist and explosive gases (cleaner, propellants) is reduced to a minimum. The lighting, also explosion protected, provides a sufficient light intensity.

Excess penetrant and waste-wash-water are collected in the active-carbon water-treatment-unit placed under the working area. The regenerated water can be reused for penetrant removal.

A switchbox provides the easy use of lighting, waste air fan and wash-water pump, and there are additional connections for hot air dryer, UV-lighting or digital cameras, too.

Customized dimensions and specific features are possible on request.


Parameter Name Parameter Value
  • fluorescent liquid penetration
  • NDT