Flexible shaft coupling Nil Union model 1

Flexible shaft coupling Nil Union model 1

Flexible shaft coupling Nil Union model 1


The Nil-Union elastic coupling model 1 is very suitable at the entrance and exit of gearboxes, for machines or heavy-duty devices and also for machines with frequent stops and starts under full load or with alignment problems. Shaft misalignment is considered the second most common source of vibration after unbalance.

The elastic coupling is made up of metal pinions and nylon crowns. Given the characteristics of the nylon used in the manufacture of these crowns, there is no wear on their contact surface, they have a great power to absorb vibrations and high mechanical resistance.

Applicable to torque limiters, clutches, brakes and everything that requires assembly of two aligned shafts.

These deviations can be presented in three different ways:

Parallel or radial misalignment: occurs when the center lines of the shafts are parallel apart.
Angular or axial misalignment: this time the deviation is observed by the angle formed between the central lines in a plane in space.
Combined misalignment: This is the most common of situations, and it occurs exactly when there are parallel and angular deviations in the same set of center lines.


Great absorption of vibrations.

High mechanical resistance.

Economical solution.

Without maintenance.

The Nil-Union Elastic Coupling Model 1 can be used for different types of machinery such as:

Cable industry

Cable industry

Renewable energy

Printing machines

Machine tool

Packaging machines


Parameter Name Parameter Value
Product applications
  • gearbox
  • for printing machines
  • for machine tools
  • for machines
  • for the packaging industry
Other characteristics
  • anti-vibration
  • maintenance-free
  • heavy-duty
  • misalignment correction
Installation system
Torque (Nm)
  • 380 - 380
  • 3.6 - 3.6
Rotational speed (rpm)
2100 - 10000

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