Y - Graduai starter
The graduai starter is used in pneumatic circuits where a cut-off in pressure, an abrupt start-up is to be avoided to prevent possible damages to equipment.
FUNCTIONING PRINCIPLE: 2 way valve which, in thè stand-by position, allows thè passage of an air reguleted flow.
When thè working pressure is reached thè valve allows thè air full passage.
Size 1
Part no.HZE1Y10GHZE1Y15G
Threaded portG3/8Gl/2
Flow rate (Nl/min)2200
Max inlet pressure (bar-MPa-psi)10-1-145
Min pressure (bar)3.5
Fluidcompressed air
Temperature (°C)-20 - 80
Weight (Kg)0,485
(A) = inlet pressure 6 bar. outlet pressure 5 bar - Ap 1 bar