
The Safety ECU family consists of two dif­ferent high-end safety modules with dif­ferent con­fi­gur­ation options. The wide range of app­li­ca­tions offers numerous poss­i­bil­ities for use in mobile machines such as trucks and trailers, as well as con­struc­tion, agri­cult­ural and special-purpose machines.

Interfaces and safety-certified up to ASIL-C
A powerful 32-bit dual-core micro­con­troller with 160 MHz, up to four CAN, one LIN interface and 74 IOs (including PWM current control) can be used for applications up to Automotive Safety Integrity Level C (ASIL-C). The risk classification is defined by the ISO standard 26262 for safety-relevant elec­trical/­electronic systems in motor vehicles. The elec­tronics are protected by a robust die-cast alu­mini­um housing and robust auto­motive co­nnec­tors facil­i­tate the con­nec­tion to the control unit.

AUTOSAR-compliant software architecture
The safety controllers are available with various software packages. Starting with QM (quality management) based software up to ASIL-C and AUTOSAR compliant software, you can choose which software architecture is required for your application. This flexibility allows you to use it for a wide range of applications and safety requirements.

The AUTOSAR standard (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture)
AUTOSAR is an open and standardized software architecture for automotive ECUs (without infotainment). The architecture scales to different vehicle and platform variants, takes into account system avail­a­bil­ity and system safety require­ments, and supports software transfer­a­bil­ity, sustain­able use of natural resources, and ease of main­te­nance throughout the entire product life cycle.


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