For more complex heating applications, our company can design and manufacture a regulating unit that will be designed according to the requirements of the system/application where the heater will operate.
When manufacturing control units, we use the cutting-edge control equipment Omron or Siemens (temperature regulators, solid state relays (SSR), thyristors, PLCs, security elements, etc.). We also supply the appropriate temperature sensors according to the intended use. All the necessary equipment is installed and supplied in the appropriate electric cabinet.
The unit can be manufactured in such a way that it can also be connected to the CNS system or to any external control unit. Generally, all control units are designed to be plug and play, which means that the customer only takes care of the wiring of the elements and the electrical connection to the network. Each control unit is equipped with the appropriate documentation (electrical diagrams, electrical measurements, IZS engineer's certificate if applicable).
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