Digital I O module DI32

Digital I O module DI32

Digital I O module DI32


The module has a compact aluminium housing and offers the possibility of top hat rail mounting. The interfaces are quickly and con­ve­nien­tly avail­able on the front panel. Using the 3-wire con­nec­tion technology, all sensors can be con­nected directly to the module. The danger of in­cor­rect wiring is great­ly re­duced by the color coding of the po­ten­tials, even for less ex­per­ienc­ed users. Various clamp strips are available, which are op­tio­nal­ly equipped with LEDs. All inputs are in­di­ca­ted by an LED on the clamp. In addition, both the baud rate and the module address can be set and read at any time using hex switches.

CAN interface
The integrated CAN interface in accordance with CANopen (DS 301 and 401) allows flex­ible use at dif­fer­ent points and pos­i­tions in the produc­tion process. It is designed accor­ding to ISO 11898.

Signal processing
In addition to the inputs, our digital IO has a powerful microcontroller that handles the ac­qui­si­tion of the sensors and the CAN protocol. Further­more, security mecha­nis­ms such as guar­ding are fully integrated in the remote IO.

Power supply
The DI32 is supplied with 24 V. The integrated reverse polarity protection prevents possible destruction of the module if the supply vol­tage is in­cor­rect­ly ap­plied. The control section is ad­dit­io­nally pro­tec­ted against short over­vol­tage peaks by an EMC circuit on the sup­ply voltage.


Parameter Name Parameter Value
Signal type
RS-485, CANopen
Other characteristics