A range of DC drive systems specially tailored for the mobility market.
PM36 Custom permanent magnet motors up to 75 watts.
PM45 Custom permanent magnet motors up to 250 watts.
PM55 Custom permanent magnet motors up to 300 watts.
PM62 Custom permanent magnet motors up to 500 watts.
G30 Custom non declutch right angle gearboxes to 11Nm torque.
G34 Custom declutch right angle gearboxes to 40Nm torque.
G46 Compact right angle gearboxes to 20Nm torque
G46M Compact right angle gearbox specifically for heavier duty mobility applications.
G63 Compact Hi-Duty right angle gearboxes to 25Nm torque.
G120 In-line gearboxes to 30Nm torque.
A unique Power Train for heavy-duty applications, compatible with PM62 & PM55 motors.