The data communication module DCM 862 is the basis for the establishment of online measuring networks. The measuring data are collected by the data logger and are transferred online with GPRS/GSM to a FTP webserver or to the SOMMER MeasuringDataServer (MDS).
Features and advantages
- GPRS/GSM data modem
- Data transmission to FTP server or SOMMER MDS-server
- Cost efficient data transmission with GPRS flat rate
- Establishing of online measuring networks
- Intelligent energy saving management - low power consumption
- Monitoring of the connection via watch dog function
- Automatic time synchronisation
- Remote parameter adjustment possible
- Connectable to any data logger with hardware driver extension
- Future save by CSV and xHydro transmission format
The module DCM 862 communicates with a data logger in an individually defined transmission interval to get current data and transfers those to an FTP server or the SOMMER MeasuringDataServer. The server receives the data, allocates the data to the specific station and saves the data. To ensure the security of the system the transmission is monitored by a watchdog function. If there are troubles at sending or if the connection breaks, the data are buffered and the transmission will be repeated. Therefore complete recordings are ensured. Another advantage of the DCM 862 is the very low energy consumption through an automatic sleep mode (only 12mA at established GPRS connection, the automatic time synchronisation or the possibility for remote parametrisation).