Data radio transmitter SHRD56

Data radio transmitter SHRD56

Data radio transmitter SHRD56


Charles Ground Mount Concealment Shrouds house radios and provide power and fiber connections to RRH at small cell locations where pole-mounted enclosures are prohibited or not desired. Lightweight and easy to install, Charles offers several designs for different configurations of equipment to be concealed.

The SHRD54 Concealment Shroud consists of two side-by-side radio compartments. It supports a Charles CFTT fiber termination enclosure and two Ericsson PSU AC-02 power supplies per compartment. It also supports two Ericsson Remote Radio Heads (RRH) per compartment, either one RRUL11 and one RRUS12, or one RUL11 and one RUS32.

SHRD56 Series Shrouds are outdoor shrouds designed to house and protect multiple customer-supplied
radios. Constructed of .125” welded aluminum, these robust shrouds are suitable for many RRH and
cMRO radio deployments and are NEC compliant. Vents are included for thermal management.

The SHRDPW is a single compartment shroud enclosure available in two configurations: the GE1/GE2 configuration consists of a single cabinet with an 8-position AC load center, an AC surge suppressor, and a meter socket (ringless 200A in the GE1, ring type 125A in the GE2). It includes mounting brackets for two Delta Advantage 1kW rectifiers or two Nokia Flexi APAF power supplies. It also has a mounting bracket for various types of fiber enclosures. The GN1 configuration is similar, but it omits the load center, surge suppressor, and meter socket. It has a plate on the right side that can support a customer-installed load center.


Parameter Name Parameter Value
  • data
  • multi-purpose
Other characteristics