The Trig-Tek™ 850A/B Contact Chatter Detector is designed to provide a means of monitoring the continuity of switch or relay contacts while being subjected to environmental stress.
Product Information
The 850A/B has 10 channels, each with a separate current source to activate the contacts. Contact “Curr” dial and “X1-X0.1” switch sets the current of all the channels simultaneously for 0.1 to 11 mA. “Timing Interval” controls provide for setting from 1 to 999 μs or 1 to 999 ms for the maximum time a discontinuity can exist. Each channel has a “Fault” LED that will illuminate if a discontinuity exists for a longer period of time than is set by the “Timing Interval” switch. The LED will remain illuminated until reset either by the front panel “Reset” switch or remotely via a reset terminal. The 850A/B has a terminal strip where the fault condition of each channel can be recorded “Low” (No Fault) or “High” (Fault). Either Normally Closed (NC) or Normally Open (NO) contacts can be monitored. A toggle switch on each channel permits selection of “NC” or “NO”-type contacts.
Key Features
• 10 channels
• Adjustable time interval(1 μs to 999 ms)
• Individual fault light and fault latch per channel
• Open or closed contact detection