Current datalogger BiLGE

Current datalogger BiLGE

Current datalogger BiLGE


BiLGE different channel options, fully integrated GSM / GPRS communication module,
it is an advanced data logger device with optional external antenna and powered battery features. Can be used in many different applications together, it is specially designed tor the control of water networks.
it is ideal tor measuring and monitoring pressure in water networks, as well as tor use with pressure breakers and pressure boosting valves.

The ability to record at desired intervals, to adjust the frequency of data transmis­sion, and to work with sensors at different pressure ranges give it the flexibility to be used in every network.
Recorded data, meter values, pressure measurements and alarm messages are sent to the central system over GSM / GPRS network. Providing fast data trans­fer by using GPRS communication in the most effective way and low current consumption of the device provides extremely long battery life.

BiLGE data loggers are suitable for all kinds of telemetry applications with their structure resistant to harsh environ­mental conditions, wide operating temperature range, waterproof and underwater operation and
maintenance-free long battery life. The data in the field can be collected and analyzed with a high-quality, advanced software application, and can be sent directly to the systems of your institution without the need to use middleware.
Features such as geographical information system support, marking devices on the dynamic map, accessing data, reports and graphics on the map, alarm list and reports can be presented on a web-based basis.
Besides advanced telemetry and GSM / GPRS communica­tion features, it also offers you local access facilities.


Parameter Name Parameter Value
Measured quantity
temperature, current
Connector type
GSM / GPRS, RS-232
Other characteristics
  • IP68
  • analog output